
An Intrinsic Love of The Craft

Sixto J. Sicilia, Ph D., CNHP, CHNP, Educator

Are you concerned about stress and anxiety and a lack of balance and optimal health and fulfilling joy? Many factors can contribute.  The 8 pillars of Holistic Health will give you a sense of how to work toward your optimal wellness, and it’s by no means prescriptive. The path to wellness is not one-size-fits-all. The journey is unique and different for each individual. Build a Framework of Sunshine, an anti-inflammatory lifestyle.

I am a Whole Health practitioner of the anti-inflammatory lifestyle of healthy living. I hold a Ph.D. in Holistic Natural Health and Nutrition and am a Whole Medicine and Healing minister. I love my craft and through my life experiences, continued research, and teachings I look forward to further developing the magic that is Holistic Natural Health and Wellness. Y soy billingüe, hablo español y especializo en lo que es el descrubimiento del matiz del imigrante y como afecta la vida cotidiana.  For formal education see down below.

The Magic is based on centuries-old knowledge and vast empirical research of the past decades that demonstrate the power of applying Whole Health knowledge to making healthy living choices. Holistic Health and Wellness empower one to be aware of the Self and the intricacies of the body, mind, and soul as they relate to attaining a healthy balance in life and reaching functional longevity; a never-ending journey in mental, physical, and spiritual health. To read about The Process, click here.

As an educator, I work with people of all ages and from all walks of life and this brings a wealth of knowledge in all things concerning the “human condition.” Having left my native country at a young age, I learned that resilience and character strength come in all shapes and sizes. “All experiences” we were taught, are an adventure (Amor Fati) and a meaningful path, we weren’t taught the nuances of those experiences.  One of my fortes is the awareness of the hidden nuances in the immigrant experience, and revealing how those nuances affect our everyday functional living.


Ph.D., University of Natural Health, Holistic Natural Health and Nutrition, Indianapolis, IN

M.B.A., Pepperdine University, Malibu, California

B.A., Long Beach State, (CSULB)

CYT Certified Yoga Instructor, Los Angeles, CA

The evolution of our society is causing disconnection1 in all areas of our lives and a lack of social connection can present significant health risks. There is much power in self-worth and self-exploration and becoming aware of the existence of Soul: the spiritual intrinsic guidance that impacts all areas of our lives; our physical connections, our careers, our relationships with nature, and our relationships with food and healthy lifestyle. The Soul is that part of our existence that seeks a higher consciousness; a deep search for connections to the present moment and to what one feels is significant or sacred. A fullness of who we are in our deepest sense of Self connects the Soul to our wholeness and expands our awareness of the environment around us. As a Whole Medicine Minister, I am in a position to teach and counsel from an unbiased position.


1 WebMDWebMD. (2022, September 16). We’re increasingly disconnected and that has consequences. WebMD. https://www.webmd.com/balance/news/20220916/increasingly-disconnected-consequences   

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More on The Process

One Artistic Eye Deserves Another

There are 8 pillars in Holistic Health, when they all relate, life balance is attainable. There exists a paradigm Psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) that consists of the effects of three major components: the psychological (emotions and thoughts), the neurological (brain and nervous systems), and the immunological (immune system resilience to disease). PNI in simple terms is the study of the effect of the mind on health and resistance to disease.  Learning to preserve Nerve Energy and building a framework where we bridge Illusions to the Realities of life we begin to understand emotions, the effect of stress, and the role of sensory processes in healthy living habits. Let’s do the work to strive towards our unique health and wellness goals, from making healthier nutrition choices to managing stress and anxiety to establishing a better financial picture.

There is truth to the saying “We are creatures of habit.” The brain is perfectionistic. It will set itself on a course to ascertain that any set “Habits” are attained, whether good or bad. When the thinking mind takes hold of an idea, it will do everything in its power to manifest it. I am here to assist you in implementing sustainable long-term well-being habits. We will address general conditions and transitions in personal life, relationships, profession or specific personal projects, or career aspirations. If doing the work, we will develop a course of action to make your life more mindful and content. If under the care of a doctor or dietician I can help in the process of accountability.  

Alternative form of therapy: A major benefit of a Holistic lifestyle is that it appeals to those who might not be ready for traditional talk therapies or those who might find more meaningful results through the mind-body integrative focus or those referred by their behavioral therapist who want to further advance the value of current behavioral therapeutic techniques.

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