“Wellness is an individual pursuit—we have self-responsibility for our own choices, behaviors, and lifestyles—but it is also significantly influenced by the physical, social and cultural environments in which we live.” – Dr. Sixto
Holistic Health – Building an
Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle!
Today’s world requires a framework of healthy habits to lessen the effects of learned behavioral challenges and to define our purpose. Our journey is to practice the 8 dimensions of Holistic Health to solidify the balance needed to live an anti-inflammatory lifestyle. Your whole health is greater than its parts.
Holistic Health
The 8 Dimensions Wellness
Holistic Health – Building an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle is a holistic way of living that incorporates a process of awareness in the care of the whole person and related nuances. Think of Holistic as being connected to Wholeness, the complete Self. A collective wholeness that does not focus on just one aspect of maintaining a healthy Self yet takes into consideration an array of options to fortify living your finest life (the 8 dimensions of Holistic Health). When we work to balance the 8 dimensions, we find that the path to optimal health and longevity and the narrative for change becomes a healthy dialog of flourishing wellness!
Whole Health focuses on the active pursuit of informed holistic healthy living, self-help, self-care, fitness, nutrition, diet, and spiritual practices to reach an optimal state of health and well-being. – Dr. Sixto
Meditation, Motion
and Mindfulness
Meditation is a state where we are aware of the now, free of past or future occurrences, and the mind is free to observe not grasp the thoughts of the thinking mind. Therefore we harness our power to heal and create. Through Motion we can surrender and let energy flow freely throughout the body, allowing movement to resolve issues associated with a sedentary lifestyle. In Mindfulness we are present and grounded in the moment, not distracted, anxious, or weakened in our psychological and physiological state. We are then able to function and focus on what is important in the reality of “this” moment.
Free will. Believe in it. Whether your visit here today was of your own free will or recommended by a Therapist I can assure you this is the beginning of a lifelong commitment to awareness and curiosity as to what makes one tick. We will work on your endeavor to complement the existing you as you become “your” main focus in the world you live in.
To Your Whole Health, Naturally!
A great introduction to Holistic Health and Wellness!
Take a listen to the Podcast here:
The Vision
Whole Body healing is an integrative process where we seek to understand Human Life and its Natural Laws and we start to take responsibility for a healthy existence. We live in unprecedented times where knowledge has become artificial and circumvents our natural being and we forget to practice, to understand, the foundations of Holistic Wellness, an anti-inflammtory lifestyle.
“We are challenged every day to maintain quality connective time with family and friends and understand the societal need to return to solid communal and tribal connections to heal our loss of meaningful attachments.” – Dr. Sixto
The Process
Holistic Health – Building an Anti-Inflammatory Lifestyle is when reach an Awareness that any act, habit, agent, influence or indulgence that uses up nerve force in excess or that prevents thorough recuperation from daily nurturing activities leads to enervation. Enervation by definition is a feeling of being drained of energy or vitality; where the being is fatigued and unwell.
The lack of vitality evolves when a conflict persists in the Mind, Body, Spirit connection thus evoking a crisis of resiliency; a crisis in our natural coping habits. We will address general conditions and transitions in personal life, relationships, profession or specific personal projects, or career aspirations. In doing the work, we will develop a course of action to make your life more mindful and content.